The words ‘lines’ and ‘wrinkles’ are often used interchangeably. They are essentially folds, ridges or creases in the skin.
Lines and wrinkles may be dynamic (seen during facial expression) or static (occurring at rest and often form when dynamic lines become permanent).
How can anti-wrinkle injections help?
Anti-wrinkle injections may be used to prevent the development of lines and wrinkles or can be used to soften existing lines and wrinkles, helping you to look refreshed, relaxed and more youthful.
Which areas can be treated?
I can treat frown lines, forehead lines and the crow’s feet area.
Before & After Anti-Wrinkle Injections To Treat The Frown Area
What does the treatment involve?
Treatment involves injecting a safe amount of a specific protein via a series of small injections into chosen muscles causing them to become relaxed and temporarily inactivated. This reduces movement of the injected muscle(s) and allows the overlying skin to recover from repeated creasing through movement, thereby softening lines and providing a visibly smoother appearance.
Prior to the treatment, I will ask you to make certain facial expressions to observe how your facial muscles work and mark out points on the skin where I will place the injections.
The treatment itself should not be painful. I can use numbing cream if required (as long as you do not have an allergy to any of it’s ingredients).
The treatment itself may take up to 30 minutes.
How long before I see results and what can I expect after the treatment?
You may start to notice some reduced movement and relaxation of the injected muscles after approximately 3-4 days with peak effect reached by 14 days. Results may last up to 3 months. This may vary between individuals. The effect starts to wear off slowly prior to this. The treatment can be repeated after 3 months. The overall effectiveness of the treatment may be reduced if given at less than 3 monthly intervals.
My aim is to create natural looking results. Especially if this is your first treatment, I start with standard safe doses to avoid over-treatment and the ‘frozen look.’ You will be offered a review appointment at 14 days after your initial treatment.
If it is felt that further treatment is required, you will be offered a top up, no later than 14 days after the original treatment. The top up provided will be up to and will not exceed what was used during the initial treatment. A record will be kept of the number of units injected at each site during each treatment as well as the number of units required to achieve the desired result to guide further treatments.
Are anti-wrinkle injections safe?
They have been used in much higher doses to treat a number of medical conditions for years in adults and children.
Whilst most patients do not experience any complications following treatment with anti-wrinkle injections, every procedure carries a small amount of risk.
Common adverse effects include redness or minor swelling which usually settles down within half an hour.
Some patients may experience mild temporary bruising, which can be covered with concealer and settles within a few days. I take precautions to reduce the risks of infection.
I will review your medical, medication and allergy history during our initial consultation to determine whether it is suitable for you to have this treatment. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding it is best to wait until you return to your usual routine before any treatments.
What should I do after the treatment?
Avoid high intensity exercise or excessively hot environments for 24 hours following treatment
Remain upright for at least 3 hours and avoid lying down or bending
Avoid rubbing or touching the injected areas for at least 6 hours after treatment
Avoid applying make-up for 24 hours
Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages on the day of treatment
Exercise the injected muscles for 30-60 minutes after treatment to stimulate the product to work
Make sure to apply a mineral sunscreen ideally factor 50 with a high PA rating daily for at least 2 weeks and avoid direct sun exposure for at least 24 hours after treatment.
Before & After Anti-Wrinkle Injections To Treat The Upper Face